Wednesday, November 2, 2016

WOLFRAM: Classical Feelings CD - moving songs.

Be inspired and watch money being turned into music!

I love the effect music has on people. In music I find something I cannot express in words. And I love to share this state, this air with others. That's why I make music. I'm a classical singer, grew up with opera and I love my profession. After my concerts, people always ask me for my own CD. The CD to me would be like a business card, my journeyman's piece, my doctoral thesis.

With Mihai Grigoriu, a colleague and friend, with whom I have already made various productions and concerts, I've started to write a cycle of seven songs, which means I write the lyrics and Mihai adapts my intentions into music. The lyrics are about change, personal development, and the power that comes from it. That's why I called the cycle "The Power of Change" (the lyrics are in German). In each song a typical everyday problem is presented, which then results in a resolution.

We've designed the songs to be very appealing, so that they're easy to listen to for inspiration and ideally the listener will sing along. We've already recorded a demo version of our first own title "And My Soul's on Fire" in a studio in Italy. Now it's all about producing the CD, which means making the remaining recordings, the editing, the mastering and the booklet. I have already raised 4,300 € otherwise, wanting 3,500 € only.

If you would like to support us, please click on the link below, sign up with Start Next using a facebook- or google-account or an e-mail address and hit the "Fan" button on the right side of the video. That's free and will help us getting started. You can also choose a reward (a "Dankeschön"), or a free amount on the right next to video.

Please click that link and convert money into music! Thank you.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Music That Moves

It's a dream I always had:
Finally I got my own international band together! Making music while travelling. And why not?! It's not such an odd concept. The idea isn't all new. It has been around quiet a while. George Frideric Handel is one of composers having made use of this combination. His "Water Music" was especially composed to be performed while floating down the river. And why not. To me it makes complete sense.

My dad always kept lots of opera tapes in his car and I always loved to listen to them, when we were driving somewhere… anywhere… As a kid I remember lying on the floor listening to my parents old classical records (vinyl that is). In my fantasy I was traveling about the globe as easy as a flap of a swallows' wing. And to me it was as real as the carpet I was lying on. "Music was my first love, And it'll be my last, Music of the future, And music of the past." These lines from the John Miles song "Music" probably describe my relation with music best. But above all music is the present and the language of the heart to me.

So, let's go out on a limb! Let us all embark on a journey through the realms of classical music, an inspiring journey moving lightly through the exquisite works of genius! All you have to do is open your hearts and let yourself be moved. And who knows, where on this planet we will meet? I'm looking forward to it.

The Classical Voyagers, here:

Sunday, August 16, 2015

The SingingWolf Project


It's plain to see: politics and the economy are incapable of bringing the people together.

The arts can do that easily! We need an

Who am I?

For those who don't know me, I'm Wolfram and I'm enjoying a career as a professional singer for more than twenty years now. It's a humble but stabile international career, which means I can make a living doing what I love to do: making music. To me that's like a dream come true already.

For years I've been on the go with same message: This planet will only be a place worthwhile living for everyone if we actively participate in integration. Only then real peace, real freedom and true prosperity will be possible. And the way to achieve that are the arts, music, sharing our stories, our cultural inheritance. The Artist's Way is unique!

You may ask HOW? How can music change the world?

In November 2007, for the first time in my life I set foot on the African continent. My impression was indescribable! ... What people! What a continent! At a concert in Abuja, Nigeria Christians, Muslims and many other ethnic groups were together in one hall. We made music, sang, laughed and even cried together! Music brought the people together then and there; or to say it with Victor Hugo: "Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent."

It was at that moment in Abuja that I realized my talent is important and needed. Among other things I took trainings as a personal coach for body language and came across a method that enables me to apply my artistic skills to help people to connect to each other in an accepting and respectful way. This form of communication enables people to loose fears, anxieties, anger and other non beneficial emotions and judgments. It is fairly easy to learn for anyone and involves mainly playfulness and curiosity. The main point is to practice it.

What happens with your donation?

The money goes directly into an account of a registered, non-profit organization, the Robert Stolz e.V. founded in Germany for the very purpose described here. The earmarked use for these cultural and social beneficial goals in the statutes of the organization is checked by the German government regularly. This is as safe as safety can go. I sure hope though you trust me and I promise that all donations and the greatest possible part of all profits (except for 10% of proceeds that will go to Amnesty International) will always be put into the artistic integrative work.

So, what's my plan?

I want to reach out to people to let them know about this project and the best way to do that (as explained above) is through music. A fellow musician/ composer and I will donate a program of our compositions, arrangements and lyrics of inspirational music. The first step will be to record that music, so it can be spread more easily, sending out the message. In this first phase of the project your donation will be used for recording, post production and distribution of my new program.

Proceeds will go back to the non-profit organization. Then donations and the generated money will be used for the second phase, which is the planning and carrying out of a tour with that program through Germany and then throughout the world. Thus acquired profits again go to the non-profit organization and continue to fund the project. On my tour I will be looking for sponsors, promoters, supporters, helpers, fellow organizations to help make the movement internationally known and trusted.

My ultimate goal is the financial basis for the premises of an
and to achieve the funds for a foundation that ensures a continuous work of international cultural exchange in the artistic way and the training of coaches that will be able to go out into the world to build new artistic centers of integration.

How long do we want to hop from one homemade crisis to another?
It is high time for the
The artistic center of Integration means:
- cultural exchange
- music, theater, poetry slam, etc.
- learning from each other through playing (after the Heilmeyer Method ®)
- communications training.
Our knowledge and social competence are our greatest wealth, our best investment, our best asset, because nobody can take that from us. We constantly bear it within us, no matter where we are.

Together we can save the world, which means to me:
"A place worth living for all!"

We will achieve real peace, real freedom and true quality of life only if all people can enjoy this condition in their homelands and in their own way. This is only possible when the many ethnic groups in the world respect each other. This respect for others, for the otherness, other opinions, traditions or belief systems arises only from a principle and sincere, loving understanding. This "kind understanding" the mind can only achieve with the help of the heart and playful interaction with each other. "If it seems utopian now, we can always pretend (play). To the subconscious mind pretending and reality is the same." - (Claudia Heilmeyer) The arts, music, theater, culture and especially the playful performance of it, is the bridge from utopia to reality.

All donations
and profits coming out of this work (except for 10% of proceeds that will go to Amnesty International) will always at the greatest possible part be put into that artistic integrative work mine. Promised! :-) 

Thank you :-)

Monday, April 21, 2014

Freedom for the Tenor!!! But where to start...?

Ok, I'll just do it already!

I'll create my own projects and you can help me out, your opinion counts.
With which of my projects should I start?

A) "Die schöne Müllerin", Franz Schubert:
- recital, concert tour and CD recording

B) "Liriche", Giuseppe Verdi:
- recital, concert tour and CD recording

C) "You are my Heart's Delight", a tribute to the talkies and the classic operetta,
- concert tour with orchestra and CD recording

D) "Torero quiero sé", Spanish songs, and zarzuela re-arranged,
- concert tour and CD recording

The voting is closed. Thank you for your support.

That was really cool. So many people signed up.
You have spoken and decided for project A in Berlin, here are the stats:

A) "Die schöne Müllerin": 33,2%

D) "Torero quiero sé ", Spanish songs, and zarzuela re-arranged: 32,6%
C) "You are my Heart's Delight" a tribute to talkies & operetta: 23,7%
B) "Liriche" Giuseppe Verdi: 10,5%

Preferred cities:
Berlin, Frankfurt, Freiburg, Karlsruhe, Ötigheim, München,
Basel (CH)
, London, Newcastle (UK), Los Angeles (USA)

 Berlin 24,2% 
 Freiburg 17,7% 
 Karlsruhe 12,8%

This was so fun. Thank you folks! Your voice counts.

Unfortunately, the realisation will take a little while now.
Crowdfunding does not work the way I had imagined.
But I'll keep you posted! 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Be a Champion!

The Voice – The Quest for the Nation's next top vocal talent?

Ok, granted, some people have more talent than others. However, if you observe life closely you'll find that they are not necessarily the ones who make it. Looks? No. Strength? No. Intelligence? No. What's the secret recipe to success? You will see, generally it's the ones who can say "YES" unconditionally, with no barriers, who keep at it, diligently, the grittier ones, who make it!

Angela Lee Duckworth: The key to success? Grit

They work hard, exercise, study, they endure failure and get up again, they ask for advice, they go get the things they need… "But how", I hear you ask "can I keep up that energy?" Do you feel tired at times? Do you procrastinate, find excuses? Do you keep blaming others? Well, you are wasting your time and energy because you're not gritty enough and you might be pursuing the wrong lane. The secret to the kind of energy it takes is motivation. Ask yourself, what is it that makes me really go?
It's true, to be a champion you have to work hard, you have to be diligent. You have to take voice lessons, you work on diction, breathing, projection, intonation, rhythmicality, musicality, expressions, agogics,  and so on. But it's more a marathon than to lift in the snatch.

So why do we want to "make it"? Why do we want to sing in front of the whole nation?
– The answer may lie deeper than one suspects.

We all have a deep desire from childhood on to want to be accepted for who we really are. However, we are afraid we would not be accepted the way we really are. So we don't show ourselves, but still have the desire to be seen as we are.
Who we really are has a lot to do with why we are here. What is our personal, maybe even secret or unconscious reason to be going on. This is our motivation, our motor, the reason we live… our purpose.
In that light it's understandable that we want to show at least the people we love who we are, why we're here. It is in a sense a question of life and death. We want to feel that energy that keeps us going and we need to know we are ok.
So, walking on stage is (maybe subconsciously) to give it a shot, to give it all we got, to jump our own fences, to conquer one's weaker self, to get the better of the fearful voice inside us, to take the plunge to get that approval, that applause, that we think we need to be free, to live on, to be someone. Or in other words to be able to say "YES" to our own true self. And you do it in front of the whole nation, so you can't escape yourself anymore, so that your out of the closet.
Trust me, from someone who's been there, you can say "YES" to your own true self TODAY, you are perfect just the way you really are. Say "YES" to yourself, even if you think it'll appear ridiculous to others. Go and show yourself to the world the way you are. The ones who don't like it will turn away and that's for the better. And the ones who like what they see are your friends, and its good they know who you are. Go and spend more time with them, because that's where you're at home, where you grow, where you can say "YES" to yourself, which is the true meaning of "love yourself". And that's how you learn to truly love others. They are perfect, just like you are. They are different and that's perfect.
So, you don't necessarily need an audience like in "The Voice". But keep up that singing. That's where YOU come out. Always remember, you have a VOICE!

"Io canto
le mani in tasca canto
la voce in festa canto
la banda in testa canto
corro nel vento
la vita intera canto
la primavera canto
la mia preghiera canto
per chi mi ascoltera`
voglio cantare
sempre cantare!
 [Riccardo Cocciante, Margherita E Le Altre]

"This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
 [William Shakespeare, Hamlet Act I, Scene III Polonius to his Son]

 [Descartes, 1596-1650]

Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Voice of a Tenor or A One Tracked Mind

I have a one tracked mind, always had. I admit it. I keep thinking about that one organ:
one tracked mind

The Voice!

Why? Ok, let's see:

I always loved music. Well, I guess most people do. Music has always been associated with invoking certain emotions in us. There's something about music which just speaks to us more than speech. Researchers showed that 15 minutes after participants listened to their favourite song, their brains flooded with dopamine.

But why sing? What's so special about the voice?

It is pretty obvious that singing has a special attraction. Choral singing is the most popular of all arts-related participatory activities. Regular people all over the globe are addicted to karaoke singing. And many of those people can't even carry a tune. Bars use it to draw customers on slow nights: People will come if they can sing for a crowd.

Bathroom singing is a widespread phenomenon. Many people sing in the bathroom because the hard wall surfaces and lack of soft furnishings, create an aurally pleasing acoustic environment. The multiple reflections from walls enrich the sound of one's voice and produce various kinds of standing waves, reverberation and echoes, giving the voice "fullness and depth".

People will watch others sing for a crowd, too – "reality" competitions like "American Idol", "X Factor," and "The Voice" BBC One’s search for the nation’s next top vocal talent.

"Good evening everyone, and welcome to what’s almost certainly going to be the highlight of your entire life. That’s right, The Voice is back! They said it was boring. They said it was pointless. […] And yet, miraculously, The Voice is back. It’s back and it’s as identical as ever."
[Stuart Heritage,, Saturday 11 January 2014: The Voice 2014 live blog: week one]

"[…] Tonight’s second and final Battle round picked up where last week’s left off, with a dizzying parade of singers, punctuated by carefully choreographed standing ovations […]."
[By Gabriel Tate,, 08 Mar 2014, The Voice: episode 9, review]

So what's the draw to belt out a tune? Why the huge interest in karaoke? Why all the singing in the shower, in the car, in the chorus? Does singing make people happy?

Our language has words and expressions such as "to be in tune with someone", "intonation", "to face the music" or "to find/ or loose one's voice", to voice one's feelings", "to make one's voice heard", "to change the tone of one's voice", "to listen to one's inner voice", "to obey the voice of one's heart" and so on. Even our language clearly shows our emotional connection to our voice. Or think of "to howl with something", "to howl someone down ", "to howl at someone or something".

Why do wolves howl? Do they howl at the moon? I love Wolves! Wolves are extremely social animals. Wolves howl for a variety of reasons. Communication is the main motivator.  Wolves pipe up more often during the night because they're nocturnal (just like me). The purposes include relaying location (between rival packs as well as within their own), warning each other of impending danger, and, in the case of the infamous “chorus” howls, fibbing to rivals about the size of their pack. A small group of wolves howling together can sound like a large group, keeping rival packs in the dark about their true size.

Why are howl nights like the one at the UKWCT so popular?

Apparently singing really does make people happy. The physiological effects of singing are fairly well-documented. We can observe them in animals. When male songbirds sing to female songbirds, it activates the pleasure center of the male's brain. The effect of singing on the birds' brains is similar to the effect of addictive drugs on human brains.

Singing helps to release endorphins, also known as the 'happy hormone'. That's why we get really carried away when we sing. We feel as if our whole soul is flying in the air, with the music. Singing has brought joy since ancient times and is a great way to let loose and relax. People love to sing because it is a light hearted activity that releases tension and stress. People love to create and singing is just another way to do that. Even if you didn't write the song you are still projecting sounds. It's soothing and also a great way to express feelings, and tell stories, or join with others.

Singing in front of a crowd, a la karaoke, naturally builds confidence, which has broad and long-lasting effects on general well-being. Singing can have some of the same effects as exercise, which give the singer an overall "lifted" feeling and are associated with stress reduction. It's also an aerobic activity, meaning it gets more oxygen into the blood for better circulation, which tends to promote a good mood. And singing necessitates deep breathing, another anxiety reducer. Deep breathing is a key to meditation and other relaxation techniques, and you can't sing well without it.

The voice it seems is a window to our soul. When we speak, we transmit not only word content. Unconsciously, we give off a lot of additional information about us, just by the sound of our voice. Anyone can decrypt these hidden messages immediately. Even if they don't see us, a conversation partner gets an image of us this way. We recognize the mood of friends and loved ones from the voice even over the phone. Our brain can process the voices of people in a split second. It needs 140 milliseconds to classify the voice of a person. We're trained to recognize beforehand  what kind of a person we're dealing with from the voice.

Don't we all know the experience of a soothing voice, the voice of a dear person? A gentle voice is reassuring whereas a shrill voice feels uncomfortable and might put us on alert, a high voice sounds less confident as a deep voice.

I was always impressed how my voice teacher could always tell how I was feeling that day, when I was having a lesson with him. No matter what I tried to hide my emotions, to keep my everyday business outside, the minute I started singing he knew what mood I was in. I can't really tell you, why I picked singing as a profession, especially since the worst thing I could imagine then was to get up in front of a crowed and sing, but I did it! And with all the ups and downs I never regretted it. It's a well of pleasure for me. The meaning of life. I sometimes feel like I didn't even have a choice.

In any case, singing daily for at least ten minutes reduces stress, clears sinuses, improves posture and can even help you live longer. So, keep singing! Humans are born to sing... it's native to all of us. Keep enjoying the adventure of a lifetime! Never forget you have a VOICE!

Wolfram B Meyer, the singingwolf

- Richard Strauss

- D. H. Lawrence