Wednesday, November 2, 2016

WOLFRAM: Classical Feelings CD - moving songs.

Be inspired and watch money being turned into music!

I love the effect music has on people. In music I find something I cannot express in words. And I love to share this state, this air with others. That's why I make music. I'm a classical singer, grew up with opera and I love my profession. After my concerts, people always ask me for my own CD. The CD to me would be like a business card, my journeyman's piece, my doctoral thesis.

With Mihai Grigoriu, a colleague and friend, with whom I have already made various productions and concerts, I've started to write a cycle of seven songs, which means I write the lyrics and Mihai adapts my intentions into music. The lyrics are about change, personal development, and the power that comes from it. That's why I called the cycle "The Power of Change" (the lyrics are in German). In each song a typical everyday problem is presented, which then results in a resolution.

We've designed the songs to be very appealing, so that they're easy to listen to for inspiration and ideally the listener will sing along. We've already recorded a demo version of our first own title "And My Soul's on Fire" in a studio in Italy. Now it's all about producing the CD, which means making the remaining recordings, the editing, the mastering and the booklet. I have already raised 4,300 € otherwise, wanting 3,500 € only.

If you would like to support us, please click on the link below, sign up with Start Next using a facebook- or google-account or an e-mail address and hit the "Fan" button on the right side of the video. That's free and will help us getting started. You can also choose a reward (a "Dankeschön"), or a free amount on the right next to video.

Please click that link and convert money into music! Thank you.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Music That Moves

It's a dream I always had:
Finally I got my own international band together! Making music while travelling. And why not?! It's not such an odd concept. The idea isn't all new. It has been around quiet a while. George Frideric Handel is one of composers having made use of this combination. His "Water Music" was especially composed to be performed while floating down the river. And why not. To me it makes complete sense.

My dad always kept lots of opera tapes in his car and I always loved to listen to them, when we were driving somewhere… anywhere… As a kid I remember lying on the floor listening to my parents old classical records (vinyl that is). In my fantasy I was traveling about the globe as easy as a flap of a swallows' wing. And to me it was as real as the carpet I was lying on. "Music was my first love, And it'll be my last, Music of the future, And music of the past." These lines from the John Miles song "Music" probably describe my relation with music best. But above all music is the present and the language of the heart to me.

So, let's go out on a limb! Let us all embark on a journey through the realms of classical music, an inspiring journey moving lightly through the exquisite works of genius! All you have to do is open your hearts and let yourself be moved. And who knows, where on this planet we will meet? I'm looking forward to it.

The Classical Voyagers, here: